Xcelnet’s Operations and Maintenance (O&apm;M) services make sure your existing systems and applications keep firing on all cylinders. Our expertise from legacy systems to web-based applications assure you have a committed partner making your investments continue to perform reliably and meet your users’ requirements. We deliver our O&apm;M services using processes, technology, and methodologies that you have already identified and implemented. For enhancements, we work with you to confirm requirements and develop them so that they fit in seamlessly with your production.
Our philosophy is in building fundamental strategies around agile methodology and ongoing quality management at every level. This approach helps us ensure that users’ needs and feedback are captured and addressed throughout the development cycle — whether we’re delivering a piece of software, or helping to develop and implement a system-wide modernization effort.
To help our clients succeed, we stay on the leading edge of emerging technology, helping us in evaluating the operational system’s technology with emerging technology, and assist them in facilitating their interactions than in promoting any particular process or tool. As a result, we believe we can create solutions that deliver value faster, and in smaller, more useful deliverables, to the people within our clients’ organizations and their various stakeholders.
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